I have been on the struggle bus so bad lately! Seems like life never gives you a break! There is always something pulling you in one direction or another! Work, home, kid, bills, deadline, oh feed the dogs, take out the trash, you name it every time you turn around there is something you need to do, all he while trying to find time for you to workout, eat healthy, drink water, and get enough sleep! Yea right! Then throw in hormones and the pure hell that is peri menopause, when you are just so tired every damn day you can't wait to put on PJ's and just sit on the couch and veg in front of the TV and not give a crap about anything, then wake up the next day to a mountain of stuff and anxiety through the roof because there is just not enough hours in the day! The argument in your head that if you wouldn't have sat watching another episode of "whatever you love to watch' for the thousandth time, I mean you know what is going to happen, you would have gotten more accomplished and the list wouldn't keep growing! It's a vicious cycle we get ourselves into. Yet we don't do anything about it. Why is that???? All it does is give way to more stress and anxiety and self loathing. Or for me that is what it is like. I struggle daily with the thoughts in my head, all I have to do, and all I want to do! It is never ending! I get so overwhelmed that I just plop down and do nothing! I heard something in an audiobook the other day, that we get so overwhelmed by all that we want to do that we don't do anything due to the fact that we try to do it all at once and get burnt out! I mean hello?? Preaching to the choir there! By the way that was the Audible 'Winning' by Tim Grover, I highly recommend it!! lam almost finished with it and I think I am going to start it again, you know when driving you get distracted, so just to give it a second listen to let it really sink in!
As I sit here this morning, this blog and website is something I have been thinking about for several years now, you know one of those things that I want to do in between my million other ideas and goals for myself! Yet I have started and stopped more times than I can count. My original platform that I have had for YEARS was hacked and I just didn't want to mess with trying to get it back, so I created a new one, and decided to rebrand myself! You know the whole fresh start! Well, been started for a few months and this is only my second blog. I am so bad at technology, like who has the time to learn that? Old and set in my ways, give me pen and paper any day! Although my handwriting is atrocious, and I can't even read my stuff half the time!
I finished the book 'You vs. You' by Eric Thomas, and it got me thinking... How true is just the title??? I mean we are our own worst enemy, and we are the only one who can truly affect the outcome of anything we have to face in life! So often we get caught up in the day to day monotony of life, wake up, work, cook, clean, laundry, the list goes on and on. But we don't take time to really sit with ourselves and listen to our thoughts and feelings. What do you truly want to do with life? We only get one! How much time is spent on others and their needs and desires? You work for someone else, or most of us do, you cook and clean for you family, you help out friends and neighbors, cause that the good thing to do, you pray for others, you are so busy taking care of others that you neglect the most important person in the world, YOU! How do you go about making yourself a priority, while still doing all the things you need to do for everyone else and your commitments? Well thats a tricky one! Sometimes we have to pull back and take a look at our day to day life as an outsider and get real with ourselves. Who are we? What do we do? Where can we say no, and how much time do we waste on stuff that doesn't get us closer to our goals? That is the million dollar question these days! What we have to do is get real with ourselves, get tough, and put ourselves first! We can't be everything to everyone, no matter how hard we try! Seems like more and more is being added daily to our to do list, and there is no end in sight! We can't just stop and say no more, we have to adapt, adjust and keep on keeping on or we will get ran over in the race of life! There is so much out there! It is overwhelming, our brains are on overload! I know back in the day, you know before social media, we had to watch reputable news on just a few channels, there were actual newspapers, and we had to interact with people, I mean really interact. There were morals, values, and work ethic. Now it's all rudeness, entitlement, and self-indulgence. Take this pill to lose weight, eat this fast food your body isn't designed to process, listen to this or that and watch people act like fools because someone doesn't think the way they think! I mean it's truly insane the world we live in today! I don't know about you, but it scares the hell out of me to think what the future holds. Before it was so bright you had to wear shades, (remember that song, if not I digress). But now you want to shade yourself from seeing what is going to happen next! COVID, we had people telling us what to do every time we turned around! And we still do!! STOP THE INSANITY!!! What was that lady's name? Susan something. Again, I digress, you now crazy train of thoughts. But it is truer today than it ever has been! Life is a rat race, and we are just running as fast as our little legs can carry us through it! Only we have the power to say STOP! This is not what I want my life to be like, I have the power to allow thoughts, emotions, food, news, screen time, whatever the case may be we all have the power to allow things to be! How do you stop the insanity? It begins with a deep dive, we have been trained to let someone think for us, tell us what to do, what to like, what to eat, what pill to take! It is endless!!! Until we see that we control our lives and our destiny then we will keep on running this race and getting nowhere, the hamster wheel of life y'all! It is never ending! There is always going to be something! What works for me may not work for you and guess what? That is OK!!! You are an individual and unique just like me! I support you whatever you find that works for you! and I expect the same in return! We need to all develop that mentality and take back charge of our lives! Quit allowing things beyond our control to control us! Again, and I repeat, STOP THE INSANITY! It's you vs. you, not you vs your neighbor, some stranger on the internet who made some shitty ass comment, not the news, not anyone but you! That person staring back at you in the mirror!
So, if you are reading this, the rambling of the peri menopausal, anxiety riddled neurotic. Listen up! You have the power, just like I do to harness your inner warrior and go out each and every day and slay the day, kick ass in life, and do what it is you want to do! Just get out of your own damn way! Stop getting sucked into the vortex of negativity and eveyone else's drama and BS! Go for it, believe in yourself, cause believe me nobody is going to be a bigger cheerleader for you than you! Stop beating yourself up, stop allowing the bad guy voice in your head to win! Go out and be the best version of you possible! There will be days you fall, get back up and get after it again and again and learn from it all, don't sit there wallowing in the muck! You can do this! Put positive energy in the world, don't let the nay sayers win! You do you! and let them do them! I promise if we vow to change, then change will happen! So in all my rambling remember you vs you, that is all there is!
Here's to living your best life each and every day, have faith in yourself, you've made it this far!