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Just my thoughts, ideas, and random stuff to help, connect, or get out for my own peace of mind and maybe help motivate, inspire, and connect with something in you. 

The Gift of Now

Have you ever sat and thought about what a gift each and every day is? I actually had this entire blog almost finished, had some bitchen...

Living with Grief and Depression

This time of year always seems to get me! March is colorectal cancer awareness month, which is what my mom was diagnosed with. The...

It's You vs. You!

I have been on the struggle bus so bad lately! Seems like life never gives you a break! There is always something pulling you in one...

All the Midlife Shit

I was listening to the Flexible Neurotic Podcast this morning, Episode 65 "Midlife Mirror Mirror on the Wall... Who am I after all?" I...

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